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Cometan celebrates the end of Astronism's Founding era

Writer: Institutional Press TeamInstitutional Press Team

30th June 2021 marks the final day of the era of The Founding of Astronism which began eight years ago on 1st July 2013. 2021 so far has been a very productive year for Cometan and the Astronist Institution with many of our activities conducted in the name of commemorating this important milestone in Astronist history.

Eight years ago tomorrow the incumbential event known as the Inception of Astronism occurred when Cometan had just turned fifteen years old. Tomorrow, on his 23rd birthday, Cometan is sitting down to record a special episode of his series A Conversation with Cometan to commemorate the end of this Founding era and to launch the era of The Establishment of Astronism. Looking for for this episode being uploaded to the Astronism Channel YouTube Page tomorrow (1st July).

Here's a short statement from Cometan on the end of the Founding era:

Eight years ago, at the age of fifteen, I couldn't have imagine how my life would change and how my mind, my experience, and my vision would advance but all I can say is that none of these progressions in my person would have been possible without Astronism. Founding Astronism has been both a privilege, a vocation and a great struggle, one that continues to effect my life every single day. Although still not entirely developed (because we can always do better), I expect Astronism will continue to define not only my life but also the lives of every person who see outer space as integral to the future of humanity and who sees astronality as their personal connection to that future. I bid farewell to the Founding era, a time in my life of profound growth and incalculable amounts of work, and now I welcome the Establishment era and the many fruitful developments for Astronism and for the worldwide Astronist community – the Astrosa – that this new era will bring. –– Cometan, Founder of Astronism and First Padron of the Astronist Institution

Below are just a few images that emblematise the Founding era and the works of Cometan both in his founding of Astronism but also in his development of the foundations of the Astronist Institution:

As the Establishment era now commences, it will be important to stay up to date with all the Astronist Institution's latest activities. Listed below are all the Astronist Institution's official websites and trusted social media sources as well as Cometan's official pages.

Astronist Institution:

Official Website for Astronism:

Official Online Encyclopaedia of Astronism:

Official Website for Astronist Institution –

Facebook Page for Astronism –

Facebook Page for Astronist Institution –

Facebook Page for The Institutional Dictionary of Astronism –


Official Website of Cometan:

Official Website of Cometan in Spanish, German, Japanese and Russian:

Thank you for reading this blog post commemorating the end of The Founding of Astronism and we now look forward to the future, we commence The Establishment of Astronism.


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